Privacy Policy

All personal Information provided by our customers shall be kept private and shall not in any circumstances be disclosed to the third party unless such information is required for business purposes such as booking and reservations. Any personal information provided by our customers shall be at their discretion and free will and shall not be forced to provide any information out of his/her free will by the company nor its employees. No any other personal information shall be required from customers other than those required for rendering a service.

We will not sell or rent your personal information to any third party or use your e-mail address for unsolicited mail. Any emails sent by this Company will only be in connection with the provision of agreed services and products. For marketing purpose, the company shall not use the customers email/s to marketing its products and services unless authorized by the customer to do so and shall at anytime the customer wish to cancel such arranged do so at his own discretion.


About Us

Savanna Delta Safaris is owned by a warm-hearted nature loving family belonging to the indigenous tribe of the Okavango Delta. Passion and love of nature has compelled us to venture into the-tourism industry. Our aim is to encourage... Read More


Plot 5225 Disaneng, Maun, Botswana

Po Box 1547 Maun, Botswana

